

Viruses/Spyware/Malware removed

Software/Hardware upgrade advice

Servicing your computer (MOT)

Backup before Healthcheck (Optional Service)

Health/Hardware Check: A full extensive in-depth analysis of a hard drive. Checking each and every sector on hard drive ensuring it is in a good state for operation.
Our Healthcheck will ensure that your PC is running accurately. Guaranteeing that there are no bugs in your PC, your product is state-of-the-art and your hard drive has a lot of clear space.
We look at software and hardware to make sure they are all running smoothly. We’ll check for any Viruses/Spyware/Malware that might be on your hard drive and remove them.
Full Maintenance: This includes a full service of Laptop or PC which consists of cleaning the computer both internally and externally as well as a detailed analysis of hard drive.
Includes internal component cleaning e.g. Fan, as well as removing any unwanted programs or software’s which to deem to be causing a PC or Laptop to have conflictions or problems

Easy way to get your item repaired


If your device is not working, don't panic. We offer a huge range of repair services.


You can Drop-off or We can collect from you (Within 5 miles) .


Our trained technicians will repair your device quickly & efficiently, keeping you informed all the way. You can now track online.


We will make sure you repaired device is returned safely.

Already in Repair? Track it
If you want to know about the status of your repair or installation then you're in the right place.