Health/Hardware Check: A full extensive in-depth analysis of a hard drive. Checking each and every sector on hard drive ensuring it is in a good state for operation.
Our Healthcheck will ensure that your PC is running accurately. Guaranteeing that there are no bugs in your PC, your product is state-of-the-art and your hard drive has a lot of clear space.
We look at software and hardware to make sure they are all running smoothly. We’ll check for any Viruses/Spyware/Malware that might be on your hard drive and remove them.
Full Maintenance: This includes a full service of Laptop or PC which consists of cleaning the computer both internally and externally as well as a detailed analysis of hard drive.
Includes internal component cleaning e.g. Fan, as well as removing any unwanted programs or software’s which to deem to be causing a PC or Laptop to have conflictions or problems